As with all other Government schools, Sunshine SDS has a School Council that is responsible for setting the long term educational direction of the school and oversees the school’s operation. This includes financial, policy, buildings and grounds and curriculum.
A significant role of School Council is to develop, support and monitor the implementation of the strategic plan.
Our School Council has seven members plus the Principal as Executive Officer. It comprises of parents, staff and community representatives. Elections are held each March. Any parent is able to stand for election in the parent category and staff in the staff category.
The school council can co-opt a community member to broaden the skill base of the school council. Elected members hold a position on school council for two years. Half the school council retires each year.
The school council elects the office bearers, which includes the president (parent), vice-president (parent) and treasurer (parent or community member).
We meet two or three times per term with a clear focus on developing and maintaining a school that delivers excellent educational programs for all our students.
The school recognises and appreciates the contribution school councillors make to the school through their voluntary involvement.
Each member can join at least one of the two School Council Sub Committees. Sub-committees make recommendations for their area of focus to School Council.
School Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month and a minimum of 8 times a year.
Sunshine Special Developmental School is a Child Safe school