documents and Policies

In Victoria, all schools must meet the minimum standards for school registration. The minimum standards provide a foundation for quality schools through:

  • good governance
  • strong financial management
  • effective curriculum
  • sound teaching practices
  • safe environments for children.

The following policies support us in these aims and in meeting the minimum standards.



Annual Report To The School Community

Good governance and strong financial management

Annual Report to the School Community 2021

Attendance Policy


Complaint Policy

School's Annual Implementation Plan

Enrolment Policy

School Annual Implementation Plan 2022

Parent Payments


DET Schools' Privacy Policy

School Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023

Personal Property Policy


Statement of Values and School Philosophy


Cash Handling Policy


Electronic Funds Management Policy


Purchasing Card Policy

SSDS Online Services


Multiple Online Services Notice

Effective curriculum and sound teaching practices

Collection Statement Enrolment

SSDS Digital Learning Policy

Collection Statement Secondary

SSDS Homework Policy

Collection Statement Primary

SSDS Mobile Phones Policy

Privacy Collection Notice



Safe environments for children

Safety at Work For School Community

SSDS Anaphylaxis Policy

Safety At Work for School Community

SSDS Asthma Policy

Respectful Workplaces

SSDS Bullying Prevention Policy

Safe At Work - Staff Rights

SSDS Camps and Excursions Policy

Respectful Behaviours Within School Community

Equal Opportunity and Anti Discrimination Policy


SSDS Child Safe Policy


SSDS Child Safe and Code of Conduct Policy


SSDS Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy


SSDS Duty of Care Policy


SSDS First Aid Policy


SSDS Health Care Needs Policy


SSDS Inclusion and Diversity Policy


SSDS Medication Policy


Photographing, Filming and Recording Students


Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy


SSDS Student Wellbeing Engagement Policy


SSDS Visitors Policy


SSDS Volunteers Policy


SSDS Active supervision


SSDS Parent Payment Arrangement Policy





DET Links

WWC and Suitability Check

DET WWC and Suitability Check


Equal Opportunity

DET Equal Opportunity Policy


Head Lice

DET Head Lice Policy


Parent Payments

DET Parent Payment Policy



DET Privacy Policy

Sunshine Special Developmental School is a Child Safe school